The Course

A Par 72 Premiere Championship Golf Course Isn't Merely Played, It Is Experienced

Make the most of your visit to Shore Gate Golf Club with our detailed course guide — a useful tool we’ve created to provide hole strategy and data for your round of golf. The Overview tab provides general information on hole lengths, slopes, and rates. Plus, by clicking on the individual hole numbers, you'll find more detailed information about each hole of the course including a hole description, aerial view, yardage, and images. This guide gives you all the information necessary to have the best possible experience on our course!

Use left and right arrows to navigate between tabs. Overview

Course Lengths Overview

OUT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TOTAL
PAR 4 4 4 4 3 5 4 3 5 36
Black Tees 394 432 404 370 163 589 401 225 648 3626
Blue Tees 365 401 386 345 149 565 388 204 616 3419
White Tees 333 398 374 324 136 537 371 188 577 3238
Gold Tees 293 370 350 300 105 511 344 168 531 2972
Red Tees 256 332 310 270 91 459 284 154 457 2613
IN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TOTAL
PAR 4 4 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 36
Black Tees 470 409 410 556 144 406 542 204 460 3601
Blue Tees 435 376 387 536 130 378 526 185 422 3375
White Tees 400 345 355 512 112 350 509 179 391 3153
Gold Tees 375 320 321 488 108 334 484 164 374 2968
Red Tees 331 287 290 434 94 302 456 145 341 2680
Course Totals Out In Total Slope Rate
Black Tees 3626 3601 7227 150 74.2
Blue Tees 3419 3375 6794 145 72.0
White Tees 3238 3153 6391 140 70.8
Gold Tees 2972 2968 5940 136 69.3
Red Tees 2613 2680 5293 136 71.9
Aerial Course Overview

Shore Gate Facts & Figures

  • Par 72
  • Number of Holes: 18
  • Acreage: Situated on 245 acres of pristine forest
  • Length: Each hole features 5 sets of tee markers, total yardage ranges from 5,284 to 7,227
  • Type of Grass: Tees, fairways and greens are bent grass. Rough is blue grass and fescue
  • Bunkers: 88
  • Water Hazards: A total of 7 ponds and lakes
  • Practice Facilities: Driving range, with 4 levels of grass tees and mats; Practice putting green; Practice bunkers
  • Toughest Hole: #9 par 5 648 yards from the back tee with water on the left side of the fairway and in front of the green.
  • Best Chance for Birdie: Hole #14, Short par 3 at 144 yards
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